Captain - A320
Airline Experience:
Most Recent Aircraft Type:
Training Route:
Aviation Specific Degree:
FO, Captain
Integrated ATPL
English, French
Additional Experience/Qualifications:
CRM, Psychology, ICF certified coach and Junior Aviation Psychologist
Passions, Interests and Experience:
Mentoring, Coaching, Peer Support
Why did you want to become a pilot?
I love flying and travelling and have been fascinated by aerospace and aeroplanes since I was a child.
How did you fund your training?
Cadet scholarship programme with Air Mauritius which I had to pay back in bonds after I started with the airline. I had bonds for most of my type-ratings which had to paid back either in time or money.
Was training a breeze or did you find it a challenge?
It was a challenge. I was one of the only female pilots in flight school, the only one in my group, only the third local female pilot in the airline and now the only female captain. The challenges at flight school helped me live up to ones later.
What was most challenging?
I was 19 years old, the only girl and I struggled gaining confidence to go solo and then at times during IR, and then my first type rating.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy flying, travelling and meeting different people, seeing new places, exploring other cultures and having no two days that are the same.
What is most challenging about your job?
The schedules, some of the training and the changes we have to deal with in the industry.
Which Pilot Competencies are of most interest to you and why?
Leadership and teamwork, workload management and problem solving and decision making.
Additional Info:
I am following a mentoring course with the 99s female pilot organisation and have recently worked on setting up a peer support programme for my union. I am also currently completing a coaching course.
I have experience in being a CRM and Human Factors Instructor. I Helped out with IOSA audits. I have done extra training in Human factors, Accident investigation, Integrated SMS, IOSA auditing and Risk Management.