Resilient Pilot and AFAP have partnered to offer our virtual Continuous Resilience Development Programme. Designed to empower you to GROW your Human CONFIDENCE and RAISE Professional COMPETENCE, wherever you are in the world. That’s how we define and develop RESILIENCE. You’ll select a qualified mentor/coach and attend Virtual Confidence Development Workshops to help you identify key personal countermeasures to Grow your confidence. You’ll take part in virtual, monthly Competency Development Workshops and scenario-based training SBT with another pilot and one of our competency based training instructors CBTi's. We use leading industry software, Quantum and Flight Path Interactive Virtual Trainer which puts you in the seat of the simulation exploring real life aviation scenario's to raise competence through experiential learning and development.
01 Select The AFAP RESILIENT Plan
Best Value
Every month
Continuous Resilience Development
Valid until canceled
Mentoring Development
Performance Coaching
Confidence Development Workshops
Competency Development Workshops
Competency Development Scenarios
Webinars and Blogs
Self Assessment Software
02 Enter the AFAP CRD Programme to book monthly activities
03 Once joined, you can book individual monthly activities below

Self Assess, identify and develop Personal Countermeasures using Quantum to take to Virtual one to one Mentoring/Performance Coaching and Confidence Development Workshops CDW's. Enhance human factors and performance relating to aviation. Members are encourage to use The Resilience Hub as often as possible to Grow Confidence

Self Assess, identify and develop Professional Competencies using Quantum. Embark upon Virtual Immersive Scenario Based Training (SBT) with our Competency Development Scenarios CDS's and Competency Development Workshops CDW's. We aim to put the Pilot into real life aviation scenario's to raise competence through experiential learning and development.